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4.5 ( 2365 ratings )
Lifestyle Gesundheit und Fitness
Entwickler QBMob Limited

Stanley Yeung,英國City & Guild國際專業髮型導師。在Stanley教室裡,Stanley Yeung跟您分享護髮心得,快下載Stanley教室吧!

古語有雲「玉不琢不成器」,SD Hair髮型總監Stanley的角色便是將一個未經修飾的人,像雕琢師般,從頭開始裝扮粉飾,令他變得漂亮起來。髮型可直接影響人的容貌,因此Stanley認為要因應不同的面形設計,不會盲目跟風,悉心地為他們創出美麗風采,樣子漂亮了,人也自然變得自信。

SD Hair 坐落於尖沙咀中心地帶,鄰近港鐵站,交通非常方便。全店採用木系色調,予人溫暖舒適的感覺。

歡迎閣下下載我們的 iPhone App 了解更多服務詳情!

Stanley Yeung is a renowned local hair stylist in Hong Kong. In this app, he shares the hair protection knowledges with all local people who care their hairs health. In addition, it includes some products details which are recommended by Stanley.